The week between Christmas and New Year is a time-out for the Western world. Kids are between terms, adults are between deadlines. Hiatus-land. No one does much. The French even have a phrase for it (can't remember it, but I am pretty sure it's cool).
Maybe you have had a similar sense of this past week, between the end of summer and a later-than-usual Labour Day. Not me. Since returning from vacation I have been bee-busy, while time has disappeared faster than a burning fuse. Kid stuff mostly. Course sign-ups, fees, laundry overload, computer repair -- DEALT WITH. New boots/coats/ printers -- BOUGHT. New tattoo -- PUT ON HOLD (not without discussion). Yesterday I drove Sam to Kingston for a new school year with his charming and wacky housemates. (There are, apparently, kitchen issues which are -- UNRESOLVED. My boy claims to be under-fridged - something no father likes to hear.)
Today I am off to Nova Scotia, where Imo is beginning her university career. Suitcases -- PACKED (mine is full of her stuff). Flight, car rental and hotel -- BOOKED. Sentimental feelings at my baby girl going so far away, worry about her being ready for the crazy world of college (see picture), and tears -- WELLING UP.
That's a lot of activity jammed into a few days. I'm due for a time out, but I don't know when the next one is due. Maybe not until after Christmas.
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